Online Registration
Whether you are new to music or a seasoned young artist, the Oakville School of Music and Performing Arts offers a wide range of classes where your child can explore their creative potential in music. We offer private lessons on over 10 instruments and group classes in music theory where your child can meet new friends while making music.
We offer classes year round, with special seasonal programming during the holidays and March break. Learn to play an instrument, join a music theory class, take one-on-one lessons, join a fun-special event class including book reading and music appreciation. Whether you are aspiring to perform at a professional level, or want to play for enjoyment, or make new friends, there is something here for everyone.
- Choose from over 10 instruments and disciplines including music theory and music history, join the fun!
- Private lesson registration is currently open
- For questions please contact
All OSMPA classes will continue online through ZOOM until further notice. The availability of in-person classes will continue to be assessed with changing environments.